Special Issue

Call for papers 

Special Issue to be published by

Optimization "A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research"



The call-for-papers addresses the growing research interest in optimization from the theoretical as well as from the application point of view. The objective of this special issue of “Optimization” is to present recent advances in different areas of mathematical optimization and variational methods as well as its applications in the natural and life sciences and economics.


The journal “Optimization” is abstracted and indexed also in: Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet; Science Citation Index Expanded; Zentralblatt MATH/Mathematics Abstracts.


Submitted papers will be considered as potential full-paper publications in this special issue subject to peer reviews and should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be refereed upholding the journal’s high standards of peer-review integrity and scientific good practice. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by at least two independent, anonymous expert referees, each delivering at least one report. The main criteria for acceptance are the quality and originality of the contribution.   


Guest Editors

Nazih Abderrazzak Gadhi: abderrazzak.gadhinazih@usmba.ac.ma  

Vladimir Shikhman: vladimir.shikhman@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de 

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